Poor Resolution

First, the recap: I made three big resolutions, one that was really out of my control, and two which I could achieve (oh, and the perennial favorite of “get in shape,” which gets the perennial response of “I don’t want to talk about it.”) Needless to say, the one I had no control over was achieved. huzzah! The ones within my control, the not-so-much.
My first resolution was to make a professional-level paying sale of short fiction. This I did, when Baen’s Universe (god bless their charitable souls) bought my short story Spamdemonium in, I don’t know, Octoberish (wedged between the months of Septomething and Notquitember). I say again: huzzah! Spamdemonium will/should/might be out in the June 2k8 issue. I’ll keep you posted.
Second resolution: to write a marketable story every month. Abysmal failure. In 2007, my unbelievably crappy tally is a whopping 2 marketable stories, 3 completed stories that might some day be marketable if I ever get off my ass and edit them which is not bloody likely at the current moment, and approximately 6 jillion half-finished little bleeders that might be stories someday. Wow. Oh yeah, and something like 12 Story Game stories, ranging from short and mediocre to considerably longer and pretty-darn-good-if-I-do-say-so-myself-which-I-do-cause-ain’t-no-one-else-here-okay-this-is-seriously-getting-old-quit-it. So technically, si! on the getting a story done every month, N'ole! on the getting with the marketability up in that piece.
Third resolution: Start that dern-bern-novel you’re always not talking about. First of all, let me say, I am writing this on December 28, and I have a good mind to make it a hootenanny of a weekend and get one going. So there. Second of all, I qualify this as a technical success: I spent about a month working on background and preliminary writings for what I expected to be a stirring scifi epic for the ages, only to find that it was. When written by Roger Zelazny. Fifty years ago. Curse you, Lord of Light! But the thing is, I started it, so technically that’s success.
All in all, not too bad. Of course, then there’s my 3rd-Q resolution, reprinted below, in which I promise (threaten) to write a story every month for something like 20 months or so. So far, I am on point with that. And I think I will continue to be on point, with some modifications, which I will discuss in my follow-up post regarding my real honest New Year’s Resolutions! Ooooh!
And yes, I am pushing off the Third Commandment into the New Year. Sorry, but this seemed more amusing. To me. Now excuse me while I push out through this wailing throng of broken-hearted readers to get to the door….